March 2021 Update from KKHQ

Apologies for a longer-than-planned interval between updates – we’ve been super-focussed on refining the Kruiser build and developing the new Kimberley website. We are keen to share our progress in our Kruiser line.

Once again, a result from the hundreds of hours spent reviewing our Kruiser purpose, construction and delivery from both the factory and brand perspective but importantly from the end user perspective. Many thanks to the key customers who so willing gave their time to assist, suggest and guide us in some of our key changes to the Kruiser line up. Often there is no substitute for advice from the “horses mouth”. As before, we still have many challenges ahead ensuring we are able to raise the bar high and maintain consistency in every aspect of the build and service we want to offer our customers.

Supply chain is once again challenging our work flows although many suppliers have worked with us to ensure we all keep moving in the right direction. The factory has a healthy order book once again and we will strive to deliver our quality products as close to the time frames promised. We would like to thank all our customers for their vote of confidence and joining the Kimberley family. We really appreciate your business and custom and hope we exceed your hopes and expectations.

Kruiser S Class | Kimberley Kampers

As always, ALL our dealers are open for business, all our NEW Product  Brochures are available for Kampers, Karavans and Kruisers on our website along with detailed Price Books and the factory is open to assist in what ever way we can!

We are pleased to release our “new look” website which has been the culmination of many many hours of content generation, copy creation and liaising with marketing personnel from around the world. The time spent on capturing the correct imagery to showcase our product to our customers is an immense task that is never fully appreciated. A big shout out to all the folks that have helped us over the last 2 years.

To access our new product brochures or latest price books, please jump on our REVAMPED website at

Happy Kamping from James, Brett and the Team at KKHQ.

King of the Off Road | Kimberley Kampers
Kruiser lines left mobile | Kimberley Kampers