All Kimberley’s are now available with the Australian-Made WiTi Anti-Theft, GPS & Wireless Control System

offroad caravan anti-theft device

WiTi Anti-Theft System is the leading off-road caravan anti-theft protection in Australia. If someone tries to steal your Kimberley, an alarm sounds, the lights flash and the brakes are locked, making it impossible to tow away.

WiTi also replaces the cables connecting a tow vehicle and trailer with an advanced wireless interface    a Wireless Towing Interface plugged into a socket on the tow vehicle and a Communication Module in the camper trailer or caravan.

GPS Tracking and Alerting provides alerts to your mobile phone if the alarm is triggered or an attempt is made to steal the van. Your caravan or trailer can also be tracked via the free app*.

* Tracking and Alerting require a paid GPS subscription service.

Click here to discover more about the WiTi system.

King of the Off Road | Kimberley Kampers
Kruiser lines left mobile | Kimberley Kampers