December 2021 Update from KKHQ

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Kimberley Krew!

The Crew from Camperact – Sydney’s newest Kimberley dealer.

The first USA-spec Kruiser T3 ready to sail in August 2021.
Gday Folks,
December Update
Welcome to Kimberley Kampers’ December newsletter. It is hard to comprehend how fast this year has flown by. With the continued challenges we face globally to the local supply dilemmas and the ongoing effects Covid-19 takes on our lives, we are happy to say we have come out the other side of 2021 a bit battered and bruised but stronger than ever.
We’ve been very busy at KK HQ with updates to the range, a new dealer appointed in South Sydney, the release of our 2023 Models and pricing and making plans to ensure Kimberley Kampers maintains its position as one of the World’s Best offroad and offgrid RV’s.
2021 – On reflection
As the brand faces one of its most successful years in sales, we can all agree that the Covid-19 Pandemic has been a godsend for Australian RV Manufacturers. With an unprecedented limit on international travel, the desire for Australians to get out of “Lock-Down” and attempt to explore this great country of ours has resulted in a demand for quality Campers and Caravans that has seen our order book push out over 12 months for the first time ever.
This can create its own set of issues. Our freight costs have gone up over 400% and every component we use has had double digit prices increases. Our procurement team have had their work cut out and it has certainly not been an easy year. As we attempt to fill orders on time our normal suppliers have stock outs more often and are caught in the worldwide freight chaos that currently prevails. We have however kept moving in a forward direction and delivered Kampers, Karavans and Kruisers to customers throughout the year.
We thank ALL those customers that have placed their trust in us and apologise profusely for some of the delayed deliveries they have endured. This is obviously not our intention and we are working as hard as possible to deliver on our promise and your dreams!
The Kimberley Kampers family of staff are the backbone of our business and we are now one of the largest local employers in Ballina. With a staff of almost 60, Kimberley is proud to be able to support the local Northern Rivers community and offer the opportunity to work with and on a world renowned product and brand in Rural NSW.
In November this year we welcomed Camperact in Narellan, NSW as our new Sydney Distributor. Peter and Catherine are knowledgeable and passionate, and their team of Mike and Darren have years of experience in the local Caravan Industry. We’re excited to have them join the KK family servicing Sydney and the south and beyond.
David and his crew in the USA have flown the banner high for Kimberley over the pond. He has attended several shows with huge success and we are proud to announce a constant monthly flow of Kimberley’s headed to the USA. David received the first US Spec Kruisers this year and we thank those customers for supporting the product and brand. Dave has faced a huge challenge with international freight and our inability to personally visit the USA and assist from the factory. The tyranny of distance has been challenging but he has worked tirelessly with his customers to build our customer base. We thank him and his team for their support and the customers for their trust.
December marks the end of our show season for 2021. It was great to catch up with so many of you at the Penrith and Bateman’s Bay shows. We are not sure what 2022 holds but we look forward to being of service to all our customers past, present and future in the year to come.
I would like to personally take this opportunity to wish all our staff, dealers and clients a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hope you all travel safe and if out camping, take that extra time to appreciate the products we hand build in sunny Ballina.
The factory is closed from the 22nd of December 2021 and re—opens on the 4th of January 2022. For all enquiries over the break, please direct all correspondence to [email protected] From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!